The Library Report
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to introduce you to researching and prepare you for the larger research assignment which will be due later in the year. You will also have the chance to report in an oral presentation fashion your findings to your fellow students.

1.Choose one piece of literature

(Tri. One: choose ONE of the summer reading books)
For example, Macbeth

2. Find a TOTAL of six research articles from academic

journals, books, or the internet dated 1985 or after.

Three of the articles must be on a similar theme.

For example: library report on Macbeth; theme: ghosts.


3. Thoroughly read each article.


4. Choose ONE article to write a maximum two page paper on.

This paper must summarize and either refute/ agree/ or
qualify the article using specific quotations from the article.
The paper may also cite the other five articles for support.

5. Write an ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY and include short summaries of ALL of the other articles.

Priya Kirpalani
Mrs. Crawford
English III Period 3
SAMPLE Library Report
September 30, 1997
In his article entitled "Duncan Versus Macbeth: Light Versus Dark,"Andrew Overholt accurately identifies and illustrates the opposing forces of good and evil, and respectively the forces of light and darkness in Shakespeare's tragedy, Macbeth. In the play, King Duncan is associated with good and Macbeth in contrast emblematizes evil. Duncan represents the symbol of light, while Macbeth continually proves throughout the play to epitomize darkness.
Overholt recognizes Duncan's relation with good and light even though Duncan is murdered early in the play. Although Duncan's reign is brief, he succeeds to be a propitious king. "The citizens were content and few disagreed with Duncan's decisions." A few "rebellious civilians had instigated a civil war but the army of Duncan fought hard to suppress [the] uprising." Overholt properly reasons that "King Duncan must have been somewhat of a good king," since many legions of soldiers compromised their lives to fight in his name. Overholt proceeds to mention Shakespeare's description of Duncan's skin as "silver"and his blood as "golden." Duncan's body is depicted as "the Lord's anointed temple."
When Macbeth is first introduced at the opening of the play, Overholt points out that Macbeth is a "national hero for his slaughter of the traitorous Macdonwald." "Macbeth is called "brave Macbeth" by an army captain and "worthiest cousin" by Duncan himself, which illustrates his respect for Macbeth." Little does anyone realize that Macbeth will soon also become a traitor to the king and murder him as a result. Overholt describes the relationship between Duncan and Macbeth as parallel to the relation of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader from the Star Wars trilogy. "Kenobi was Skywalker's tutor and guide until Skywalker was swayed by "the Dark Side of the Force," and changed his name to Darth Vader." Similarly, Macbeth was an esteemed general in Duncan's army who respected and admired Duncan before killing him and turning towards evil and darkness.
According to Overholt, Macbeth first begins to change sides from good to evil when he encounters the three weird sisters. Upon hearing their prophecies, Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor and yearns to be crowned king when "Lady Macbeth suggests the murder of Duncan." Even though Lady Macbeth proposes the crime, Overholt justly claims that "Macbeth did not have to carry it out, and this shows [Macbethís] initial turn to evil." While lost in a rage of greed and ambition Macbeth begins to lie as "Duncan's murder is forthcoming." When discussing "the upcoming crime,"Macbeth tells his wife that a "false face must hide what the false heart doth know." After Macbethís assassination of Duncan and his two grooms, which according to Overholt "reinforces the pivotal turn [in] Macbeth;" "Macbeth's blood thirst is not quenched." He becomes thirsty for more blood and power: "We have scotched the snake, not killed it."
When Macbeth calls upon the witches, "obviously evil,"following Duncan's murder, for advice and guidance "in his future actions,"Overholt correctly explains this event as a manifestation of Macbeth's evilness. When approaching the witches, they recognize Macbeth as wicked and evil: "Something wicked comes this way." Not only does Macbeth seek counsel from the weird sisters, but also "threatens them with a curse"when they refuse to tell him more concerning his future.
Before Banquo is killed by the hired murderers, Overholt relates that "Macbeth's turn to evil and darkness"can be clearly seen. While discussing the upcoming murder with his wife, Macbeth addresses night: "Come, seeling night,/Light thickens,/Good thing of day begin to droop and drowse, Whiles night's black agents to their preys do rouse." Overholt befittingly reports that "the most brutal and inhumane of the murders that illustrates Macbeth's evil and darkness best is that of Macduff's entire innocent household." Before learning of the assassination of his family, Macduff refers to Macbeth: "Not in the legions of horrid hell can come a devil more damned In evils to top Macbeth."
Andrew Overholt's article "Duncan Versus Macbeth: Light Versus Dark"rightly manifests the opposed virtues of good and evil and light and dark, using Duncan and Macbeth as examples. From Macbeth's assassination of King Duncan to "the merciless slaying of the Macduff household, Macbeth's retrograde into darkness can be clearly seen." Duncan, according to Overholt, is "like a flashlight in the dark room of Macbeth." In Shakespeare's Macbeth, King Duncan represents good and light while Macbeth is the ideal exemplification of evil and darkness.
Annotated Bibliography
Coleridge and Schlegel. "Macbeth." May 22, 1995.
In their article, Coleridge and Schlegel discuss the role of the three weird sisters in Macbeth. The authors analyze each prophecy individually and relate the consequences of each of their predictions. Coleridge and Schlegel propose that the conflict of the entire play can be attributed to the witchesí and their premonitions.
Elchuk, Valerie. "Macbeth: The Story Behind the Play."
In her article, Elchuk explains "the story behind the play,"Macbeth, and questions the authenticity of the playís current version. According to Elchuk, Shakespeare derived the story of Macbeth from a "story of the history of Scotland,"and altered some of the facts "as not to insult the new monarch,"James I. Elchuk proceeds to insist that the present account of Macbeth has been additionally changed from Shakespeare's original version. She questions the genuity of the beginning of the play and the controversial Hecate scenes.
Freud. "Shakespeare: MacbethóFreud of the Macbeths."
In his analysis, Freud discusses "a [person's] collapse on reaching success"as evident in the
figures of Macbeth and his wife. Freud explains that disappointment and disillusionment "broke [these two] characters." He furthermore illustrates that Macbeth "is sown with references to the father-children relation"which points to the common "theme of childlessness"in the play.
"Macbeth: Tragedy or Satire?"
After perusing and analyzing Macbeth, the author speculates the classification of the
play as a tragedy. He/She defends that the play should be categorized as a satire since Shakespeare's Macbeth fails to embody the six part of a tragedy, which are essential for a work to be classified as a tragedy, according to Aristotle. While supporting his belief, the author addresses the conflict between good and evil similarly to Overholt.
Overholt, Andrew. "Duncan Versus Macbeth: Light Versus Dark." March 7, 1997. (See paper for details.)
Salz, Melissa. "Macbeth: Witchcraft and Double-Talk."
In her analysis of Macbeth, Melissa Salz, notes that "Macbeth's power lies in the universal questions it raises about good and evil." Salz specifically addresses the "important thematic role"the witches play in Macbeth. The three weird sisters "introduce us to the darker side of human nature"and inaugurate the idea of doubleness from the very first scene with: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair."

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